
The RKI System of Education :-

The curriculum is designed to ensure all recent development of each student apart from being Comprehensive. Technology methodology is introduced at all stage to develop the intellectual personality required to achieve academic success. The method of instruction is English Special imphasis is laid on both written and spoken English at all the levels

The scheme of studies is structured and flexible and the link between NSY, LKG, and primary,  Middle, Secondary and Sr. Secondary stages is integrated and phased out very well.

Stage of Study :-

NSY & KG’s (Kindergarten)

At this stage the students motor skills are developed which provide exposure to children to pursue their natural curiosity and imagination nature in an stimulating and exciting enviroment. The core programme of study is enriched with art/dance/music/sport/game and other actvities. Learning through regular tips and trips create a solid foundation for the child to progress to ease and confidence through various stage of growth and development.

Primary (l to V)

At this level, emphasis is on a development based curriculum and students are taught the essential concepts of the subjects. The progress of each students is monitored closely and regular assessment are communicated. The result of which are communicated to parents for a partnership between them and with the school.

Emphasis is also laid on developing positive attitudes and healthy habits among students. Apart from preparing students for academics they are also taught the importance of honesty and moral fibers during the schooling at R.K.I.

Middle School (Vl to Vlll) :-

During this three years period, the student’s physical and cultural growth and development are intensifies and extended to a foundation course designed to suit students from all educational backgrounds.

A smooth transition from childhood to abolescence is facilitated by imparting comprehensive value and need based education at the end of this stage the students are prepared to take up any curriculum laid by C.B.S.E.

Ram Kishan Institute
Sanjay Nagar , Sector – 23,
 – 201 002
Phone : 9311479568,0120-4179259
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Candidatet to be admitted to Nursery class should not less than three years old and interview of the child together with the parents is required prior to the admissions.

Well equipped labs
One of the best library
Transport Facility
Clean & tested drinking water
Extra Curricular Activities

Extra Curricular activities from an integral part of curriculum and we, at RKI fully endorse and encourage such activities to bring out the inherent qualities of the students & polish their talents like:

Yoga | Dance & Music | Sports | Culinary Art

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